pricing plans

Pricing that suits your needs

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus.

Starter Plan


  • Architect Hourly Rate
  • Architect Hourly Rate
  • Phases of Work
  • Architectural Plans
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Premium Plan


  • Architect Hourly Rate
  • Architect Hourly Rate
  • Phases of Work
  • Remodel or Home Addition
  • Custom House Plans
  • Architectural Plans
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Basic Plan


  • Architect Hourly Rate
  • Architect Hourly Rate
  • Phases of Work
  • Architectural Plans
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The most common questions

Why should you choose Abstrakt company?

How many awards have we received this year?

How do we build work with clients?

How quickly can we realize the dream home?

How is the construction process going?

What building materials do we recommend?

How to become part of our creative team?

How do Abstrakt projects differ from others?


Happy customers say about project

    

Absolutely! We work with top payment companies which guarantees your safety and security.
Thank you!

Jessica Robinson

CEO, Bridge

    

When you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly and get on with improving to success.

Jessica Robinson

CEO, Bridge

    

They are truly partnering with us on different initiatives. We are deeply appreciative of all their efforts.

Jessica Robinson

CEO, Bridge

Trusted by more than 650,000 happy customers

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